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In-House Expertise
As a next-generation Extended Workforce Management provider, we empower you to harness the full potential of your workforce data, so you can make informed and strategic business decisions. This data-driven approach enables you to optimize your workforce spend and maximize successful outcomes within your extended workforce program.
Having access to and analyzing workforce data is crucial for successful Extended Workforce programs. Without this data visibility, your workforce programs cannot be truly optimized. With it, you can achieve cost savings, optimize processes, and ensure accurate workforce planning.
With nearly 30 years of experience, Atrium has a vast workforce data set, industry benchmarks, and workforce data analysis expertise. We have strategic data partnerships that supplement our own data and provide you with up-to-date information that enables planning and forecasting for your extended workforce program.
By providing you with actionable data insights on all of your spend categories in one place, our solutions enable you to have a Total Talent view of your workforce.
Every program is unique. That’s why we offer executive dashboards tailored to your organization’s specific KPIs and metrics. Our goal is to help you achieve program success and increase visibility.
We provide you with an unprecedented view into your workforce data, and visualizations that can reveal areas to drive cost savings, efficiency, and workforce process improvements.
In addition to our extensive collection of workforce data, we have established valuable partnerships with top third-party workforce data providers to enhance your workforce intelligence.
Led by an in-house Talent Technology team, our goal is to make your job easier by designing, creating and implementing the right solution in a scalable, meaningful and turnkey manner.
Before partnering with Atrium, we struggled with workforce planning and optimizing our spend. Atrium’s data-driven approach provides a total talent view of our workforce, and their customized data dashboards give us practical insights. The data we are given has uncovered opportunities for cost savings and efficiency improvements that we would not have been able to identify otherwise.”
Have talent? Need talent? Let’s get to work.
Making the complexity of managing a contingent workforce obsolete.
Designing holistic solutions for the talent that you identify.
Leveraging your brand to attract and curate the best contingent talent.
Helping you earn an “A” in executing your early talent program.
Using cutting-edge technology to mitigate your worker classification risk.
A high-touch, vendor-agnostic approach that streamlines your processes.
We have in-house experts that can help.