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However, the complexities of independent worker engagement should not be underestimated, as they can lead to substantial legal and financial repercussions if mishandled. Companies found to have misclassified an employee as an IC face significant costs, with major corporations being fined millions of dollars.
To navigate this landscape successfully, organizations must be aware of common mistakes when working with independent workers. From the risks of misclassification to the perils of inadequate contracts, recognizing and addressing these pitfalls is critical for ensuring compliance and achieving successful engagements with independent workers.
Continue reading to dive into these critical mistakes and discover how Atrium empowers you to ensure compliance and streamline processes.
Failing to establish a centralized, consistent process to properly assess workers for classification as ICs or employees poses a high risk of misclassification.
Our digital proprietary evaluation process, Engagent, ensures accurate freelancer assessments and indemnifies you from potential costs associated with misclassified workers.
IC compliance requirements can vary state to state, on the local level, and even by auditing body; failing to understand and adhere to all applicable regulations can lead to legal consequences.
An experienced IC compliance partner, like Atrium, understands the legal landscape, keeps up with changing regulations, streamlines the process, handles paperwork, ensures timely compliance, and provides expert guidance.
ICs should be treated as outsourced vendors. They should have autonomy over how their work is performed and should bear the risk of profit and loss depending on the quality of the service or product delivered.
With a thorough understanding of IC classification nuances, Atrium identifies potential issues, such as treating ICs like employees, and addresses them before they become a problem.
Organizations sometimes use ambiguous or incomplete contracts with independent contractors; specific clauses or payment structures may be mandated by state or local regulations.
As the Agent of Record, Atrium streamlines the full lifecycle management of contracts, invoicing and payments for independent workers, simplifies administrative processes, and saves valuable time and effort.
Proper record-keeping is vital. Organizations should maintain accurate records related to IC engagements, contracts, payments, and compliance efforts.
With Engagent, you can monitor evaluation statuses in real-time, automatically retain documents, submit online requests, secure an electronic audit trail of the complete evaluation process, and search historical engagement records.
Organizations may have inconsistent practices across different departments or projects.
Atrium ensures workflows are consistent across departments and roles while providing indemnification against misclassification. We offer extensive resources such as: compliant contract templates, compliance education materials, and industry insights to help clients and independent contractors seamlessly navigate the relationship effectively.
If your company’s policies and procedures for independent contractors are not crystal clear, consider partnering with Atrium. By leveraging modern workforce technology and a concierge service model, Atrium provides effective solutions for IC compliance. With over 28 years of experience, Atrium offers a proprietary technology, Engagent, to support independent contractor management. This platform ensures accurate assessments of freelancers and protects you from potential costs associated with misclassified workers.
Engagent allows you to submit IC evaluation requests online, automate document retention, and create electronic audit trails. After a project ends, you can view the engagement history and gain visibility into your independent workforce for future re-engagement. It also offers AI scoring systems and alternative workflows encompassing all engagement types. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, Atrium will tailor an IC Compliance solution to your specific needs. Visit us online at
*As your talent solutions and workforce management partner, we monitor developments that could affect your business. However, please note that the information provided on this fact sheet is not exhaustive, is not intended as legal advice, and should not be relied upon as such. Instead, all information, content, and materials available here are for general informational purposes only.
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